Our Servants

Homer Burks-Prayer Ministry Pastor

Homer Burks, Pastor & Prayer Leader

Homer Burks serves as the pastor over our prayer ministry and mentor to our Senior and Executive Pastors.  Homer leads a small group bible study and is the founder of God’s Outreach Ministry. God’s Outreach Ministry is truly a church without walls spanning across the United States providing prayer and intercession for people.  He has dedicated over twenty years to praying always for others.

Homer enlisted in the United States Navy in 1952 and retired after 30 years of honorable service and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Science and a Masters in Psychology.  He was called into ministry in 1996 and devoted his life and work to God’s service.  He has served both as an Assistant Pastor and Pastor during his service and work for God.

He wants you to know that he is always available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to pray and listen.  Homer says “My life belongs to Jesus Christ as long as He sees fit, I will be in the race for Him.”